Tag Archive forbidden city

30% of the Forbidden city is still not open, why?

2019-11-01   Leo Kui      0
The biggest palace museum in China, there are over 30% of the place not open to the public, the reason is surprising.

4 Most Important People who lived in the Forbidden City

2019-02-23   Leo Kui      0
You can spend years to read the history of the Forbidden City, but there are 4 most important people include a farmer can help you understand her story in 5 minutes.

Snow in the Forbidden City 2019

2019-02-17   Leo Kui      0
Beijing is getting very dry, only have 1 or 2 snow each year! I am lucky to be there for the snow in early February 2019.

4-hours Forbidden City Photography Tour

2017-06-30   Leo Kui      0
Discover the stories of the Forbidden City, the life of Chinese emperors, architecture. Your social media feeds will never be the same by the excellent photos